Halloween is one of my favorite events to celebrate in the whole year. I just love seeing kids and adults dress up in their scary, cute or silly costumes, and you know, giving and getting candies and chocolates. 🙂 It’s also one of the events that I looked forward to when I was pregnant with Light. Although growing up, I never really joined in any Halloween parties aside from school activities (I think), I just knew that I’ll be celebrating and participating in every Halloween from then on since I had Light. And it all started last October — Light’s First Halloween at Active Fun’s Spooktacular Halloween Party 2015.
Obviously, I was excited. At first, I was hesitant to join in. I didn’t know what costume to buy/do for Light and myself. I didn’t think I had the time to prepare. I was also contemplating whether to go for the cutesy costume or the scary walking-dead-themed costume with full on make up and bloody scene. But I knew without a doubt that whatever our costumes would be, we would have to be a mother-daughter tandem. Yes Light. For the next 5-8 years, you and I will have a mother-daughter matchy matchy Halloween costume.

In the end, though, I decided to just go with simple and cutesy costumes for us. I’ll reserve the good stuff (by good stuff I mean really hard core scary stuff) for when Light is a little older.
We had a Winnie the Pooh hand me down onesie from Light’s cousin before, so I thought it would be really cute on Light for her first Halloween party. I just made her her own hunny pot as a paper fan. For myself, I decided not to go over board and keep it really simple. I just made these Tigger (with two Gs) ears and wore a combination of orange and black ensemble. I got the cut out of Tigger’s ears here.

It was a full house at Active Fun BGC that day. It was jam-packed with kids in cute and semi-scary costumes. Some of the adults also dressed up. There were four categories to choose from. Your child can join in under the Spookiest Costume, Cutest Costume, Little Prince and Little Princess Costume, or the whole family can be the Spookiest Family. Winners would be chosen from each category. I should’ve registered Light under the Spooky Cute to win the Cutest Costume category. She would’ve won because she was having cuteness overload that day haha. But since we were just invited to join in for free, I thought better of it and decided not to lessen the chances of the other participants who paid. 🙂 Instead, Light and I just had fun over at the photobooth area.

The event started with a parade around the block. This was our favorite activity of all. Well, my favorite. Light was just chillin’ and getting candies. Since this was just a last minute decision, we didn’t have time to buy a pumpkin basket for Light. I just used her matching Winnie The Pooh backpack. It was too small though for all the candies and chocolates we had.

After the parade, all the participants were asked to show off their costumes on stage for the judges to score. This was a long process! I think one of the categories even had 60 participants! But Light didnt seem to mind it. She was enjoying watching curiously the kids run around in their costumes. She didn’t even fall asleep. She was just looking around at all the kids.

There were also a couple of performances to wake up the sleepy adult audience. A magician performed some great tricks which the kids enjoyed a lot. Last year’s winner in Active Fun Star Voice Season 2 also came in to serenade us. Overall, It was a nice bonding experience for me and Light. Too bad her dad didn’t want to join us. Halloween will definitely become one of our yearly traditions. 🙂

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