I was hoping to have my breastfeeding post done in time for Light’s birthday, her first year with us, as a sort of anniversary/special post. But, as we all mothers know by now, nothing really goes according to plan and time anymore when you have a child. Blame it on the child for everything that’s going late haha!
So I thought I’ll just make a quick post about all the changes and milestones that Light has undergone for the past year. I just can’t believe that it has been one year already. Time flies so fast and it seems like it’s even faster now with a baby. It has been one year with Light and so far, we’ve only had two falls. Okay, maybe it was three times that Light fell off the bed. Eep!
She is one happy one year old baby (toddler?). She’s never had any major sicknesses (thank God! and thank you breastmilk!). Life is becoming more exciting with this little child. Not only is she becoming more playful, she’s also starting to understand what we’re saying or doing. She mimics every sound and gesture we make. Soon, I’ll be able to order her around to do things… hmmm… 😛
Anyway, now that Light is ONE year old, she’s able to….
- Mimic our gestures
- Know what things are called
- Stand up without support
- Crawl really fast
- Understand what we say (sometimes)
- Fool us or trick us
- Make contagious laughters
- Play games
- Sing and dance
- Say PAPA loud and clear
- Make tantrums (deliberately)
- Drink from a cup/mug and a straw bottle
- Play with other babies/kids
- Make selfie poses
- Use an Iphone (okay, maybe I’m stretching here a little haha)
- Talk (well, more of blabber non-stop as if she’s really talking!)
- Kiss with sound and pouty lip
She also has….
- Grown triple in height since birth
- Pierced ears (Yey for earrings!)
- Long side hairs tickling her ears
- Eight teeth
- Strong hands
For a more detailed list of Light’s milestones, this post has a monthly list of Light’s firsts. 🙂
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