What a year it has been! 2015 was a year of many changes and adjustments for us. Having Light was definitely exhausting, but it was also the happiest and most joyous year for my husband and I. I can’t even remember now the time when it was just the two of us. I just can’t imagine not having this cute and adorable baby. 🙂
For my first post of this year 2016, though, I thought of just making a list of Light’s milestones. I’ve been jotting down notes here and there, whenever Light does something for the first time. I think Light will love reading about her first everything someday. 🙂 This will also help new parents out there know what to expect when their child reaches a certain month or stage. Just remember that each child is different. Some babies learn to walk earlier, while some learn at a later time.
Newborn Light | November 28, 2014
- sleeping positions (and actions) became a bit funny after a week; always getting out of her blanket, moving around and overall a fuzzy sleeper
- first smile while she was sleeping
- November 29: (this is probably cheating) but drank from a cup a day after she was born (donated breastmilk from sister-in-law since my milk wasn’t enough at that time)
- December 2: first hiccup after night feeding
- December 9: recognized own name (okay, maybe I’m stretching a little here), but while she was breastfeeding, I said her name and she looked at me and every time I said her name she paused
- December 10: grasped a finger (MY finger!) while breastfeeding; held up her head for the first time while we were trying to put her on her tummy to burp
Month 1 | December 28, 2014

- pimple started showing up around the face and neck
- cradle cap started showing up (7th week to be exact)
- discovered her own hands (around 7th week also); started looking at her hands
- started thumb-sucking
- January 20: lifted head while on her tummy
Month 2 | January 28, 2015

- hands and feet started getting sweaty (but I still loved smelling them)
- started noticing her hands
- noticed a small blood stain on her poop (just normal)
- sleeping became better at night and in the morning (able to sleep longer)
- first time to sleep through the night (Light was and still is a sleepy head just like her dad)
Month 3 | February 28, 2015

- started putting things in her mouth
- can hold pee (?); sometimes all through out the night she wouldn’t pee and would pee only in the morning
Month 4 | March 28, 2015

- cradle cap started coming off when she started scratching her head
- March 28: first time to roll over from back to tummy (but I swear it could’ve been a few days earlier)
- April 2-4: first vacation with the Chua family
- April 17: found her feet
Month 5 | April 28, 2015

- said first word while playing: “DADA”
- more active and playful
- April 29: laughed so hard when I played peek-a-boo with her
- May 1: started rolling tummy to back; first time to do it with daddy
- May 15: first time to fall on the floor
- May 26: started crawling
- May 27: first two lower front teeth started to emerge
Month 6 | May 28, 2015

- May 28: started eating solid food; first solid food was sweet potato; at first she didn’t want to take it, not sure what to do with it, then suddenly, she just grabbed one and put it into her mouth; NOTE: start the camera rolling because it happens so fast you might just miss it
- May 31: first time to fall asleep while eating; recognized parents’ voices
- June 2: first time to eat with a spoon (avocado)
Month 7 | June 28, 2015

- July 3: sat by herself with support from pillows
- July 5: first fever followed by a runny nose
- July 20: second time to fall from parents’ bed; it was around lunch time
Month 8 | July 28, 2015

- August 4: sat by herself without any help
- August 8: two upper front teeth started to emerge
- August 10: started standing up with support
- August 15: first time to see Light crawl in all fours
- August 21: first time she came to me and pulled my shirt up asking for milk; this was the time I was reading to her Harry Potter book 1
Month 9 | August 28, 2015

- learned to waive bye-bye
- started becoming attached to mommy; wanted to be near me (or carried by me) all the time; couldn’t leave her in her crib anymore
- started cruising along her crib
- became more receptive; understood things easily (this is the stage you can start teaching her new things, like more complicated baby signs)
Month 10 | September 28, 2015

- started balancing; standing up without support
- October 23: first trick or treat party
Month 11 | October 28, 2015

- took first step inside her crib
- November 9: had her ears pierced
- November 18: stood up without help or support for the first time
- November 21: first time I saw her pooped while on a squatting position in her crib
Year ONE | November 28, 2015

- pooped and peed on the toilet for the first time
- started saying “MAMA” (finally!!!)
- December 10, 2016: walked without support for the first time
Undated | Moment Just Savored
- laughed while she was sleeping (having a beautiful dream perhaps?), but the real laugh was when I was playing with her in front of the mirror in the dining room; simply contagious
Very inspiring family… 🙂
Thanks Anne!