Today, November 28, 2014, at 4:16 pm, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl in Cardinal Santos Medical Center Ortigas.
Ladies and gentlemen, finally, you can now meet Light Deene Chua Ong! 😀

She weighed in at 7.12 pounds and was about 51.3 cm in length. It was a semi long labor (check out my child birth experience here), but in the end, it didn’t really matter. As soon as I heard her cry, all I wanted to do was hold her.

Dennis and I are still working on being new parents, trying to figure out how to deal with Light’s “mood swings”. It really is true when they say we can kiss good night sleeps good bye. We haven’t had a good night sleep since Light was born. But I think it was because I wanted to check on her every time she makes a sound. I wouldn’t allow myself to go into a “deep” sleep just in case, you know. I guess I’m one of those parents now haha!
Hi Dennis and Mommy!
Congratulations and celebrations – your daughter IS adorable 🙂
Cute indeed! Yes, I think I remember Dennis mentioning about becoming a Dad, but I hadn’t see the pictures, and just saw his G+ profile where he mentioned ‘My daughter’s Site’ that pulled me right here. (He knows me!).
I know these times can be tough on new parents, but I am sure you’d do very well. If there’s anything I can help you with, anytime, just reach out and ask. I can say that as I am a Mom to 2 teens, so been there, done that.
Wishing you every joy and success in the New Year. 🙂
Hi Harleena!
Thanks! She is cuter now after 1 month haha!
We’re mostly irritated with the rashes 😀
Little buggers keep popping up!
Besides that, everything seems to be going well.
We’ll definitely need tips when she starts crawling…we won’t be able to leave her without supervision anymore!!!
Thank you Harleena. 🙂 It’s been an interesting experience so far. I used to think it would be easy, I mean basic needs right? But her basic needs are 24/7! It’s really a full time job. Still finding a way to squeeze in a few minutes of blogging haha!