Recently, I joined a wonderful movement to fight child poverty and death in developing countries. Here is the post (Day 493) that I wrote to help raise awareness about the importance of this movement.
Social Good Moms 500 – Countdown To MDG 4
Every child is a blessing, and to have been given this blessing is just the most amazing thing.
I admit that I’ve never given much thought to a child’s life before I got pregnant. Children, specially the poor ones, used to be just another addition to our growing population. But having been blessed with our soon-to-be first child, my whole view about children’s lives (no matter the social status) has changed.
I live in the Philippines. My country has a picture perfect image of poverty in every corner. The streets are the poor children’s home and playground. Their bathrooms, every gutter. I’m not going to elaborate more on poverty and death of children in developing countries. Take the time for yourselves to research on this and you will sure find a lot of information.
What I wanted to point out is that a child to be in these kinds of living situations doesn’t stand a chance. I’ve always thought to myself, “Who cares for these children?”.
I’m so happy to hear that there have been groups out there who do care. There have been movements who fight for the lives of these children.
One of the movements that I’m glad to be part of is the Social Good Moms 500, where we raise awareness about the importance of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4. This goal of reducing child deaths is important to me because I believe that a child has the right to live, and not only to survive, but to have a comfortable and happy life. Our partner in this movement, Save The Children, has also been fighting for children’s rights for more than 90 years now.
Although this countdown runs only for 500 days, the battle against child poverty and death has been ongoing for so many years. We have reduced this big time but we have not eliminated it yet. There is still a long way to go.
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