We got pregnant earlier than we initially planned. It was decided, though, to try earlier because of all the age and time thing. I think most parents would wanna still be young and able to “get down” with their kids while they’re growing up, instead of totally being clueless as to what’s “in” with the kids these days.
Being a new mom, I guess funny things about pregnancy are bound to happen. For example, when we were trying to conceive we did this really weird and crazy thing in bed. I won’t elaborate any further but just know that it might be the reason why we got pregnant in our first try. Although my husband might say that it was his “sniper” skills that did it.
Another funny story. When it was time to check, I threw the pregnancy test immediately after seeing that only 1 line showed up. Being told hours later that I should’ve waited a few more minutes. So I went back to the trash and saw that my test now had 2 lines. It was a crazy, funny and scary feeling all at the same time!
Of course we wanted to be super sure so I took another test again a couple of days later. This time I waited and in just a few seconds, 2 lines showed. 🙂
[…] to be just another addition to our growing population. But having been blessed with our soon-to-be first child, my whole view about children’s lives (no matter the social status) has […]